Winter 2025 Mushroom Classes + Events

Check out upcoming classes at Garden Clubs, Nature Centers, and more.
Information about smaller, more private and detailed classes at our warehouse in Grand Rapids are at the bottom of this page.  Classes at our facility will be available through zoom, with the exception of the Commercial Cultivation class and Fungus: Friend, Food and Medicine, which has some in person, hands - on portions.

Mushroom Cultivation
Hunter Park Gardenhouse - Lansing
Saturday, March 29th 10am-Noon

This 2 hour class will focus on how you can grow mushrooms at home using low-tech and accessible methods. 
We'll cover the basics of how mushrooms are cultivated with a focus on home and hobby level cultivation both indoors and outdoors.

Bring you questions, I'm happy to answer them!

More Info HERE
Introductory Cultivation Course
Sunday April 6th - 1:00-3:30pm
Mycophile's Garden - Grand Rapids, MI

This 2.5 class will cover the basics of mushroom growing, with a focus on how to grow your own mushrooms in your yard, garden, garage, or basement.

More Info HERE

Fungus: Friend, Food, and Medicine

Thusday April 10th, 9:30-11:00
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute - Aquinas College - Grand Rapids

I'm thrilled to provide this brief introduction to the role of fungi in human development and medicine, both ancient and modern.

From antibiotics to food to remediation of toxic industrial pollutants, fungi are the most underappreciated kingdom of life. Creating our soils, fermenting our foods, bolstering human immunity, and worshipped since ancient times for their potential spiritual significance and mystery.

Join us for this 90 minute presentation on enthnomycology!

More info SOON!

Commercial Cultivation Course

Sunday April 27th 1:00-6:00 pm
Mycophile's Farm - Ionia, MI

Interested in growing mushrooms indoors, year-round for personal or commercial use?

This 5 hour intensive workshop skips the fluff and will supply you with the tools, techniques, and resources to grow mushrooms consistently and in bulk.

More Info HERE
All Things Mushroom
Thursday, May 1st 7:15pm
Mint Country Garden Club -
St Johns, MI

Our garden club presentations focus on growing mushrooms at home and resources for learning to do so, using mushrooms in gardening, and soil amendment/creation, as well as some of the health benefits of mushroom consumption.

I hope to see you there!
Wild Mushroom Identification
Monday, May 12th 6:00 pm
Norton Shores Public Library

This introduction to identifying wild mushrooms in Michigan will focus on providing you with the best resources to learn more on your own.

We'll discuss key features of mushrooms, associated terminology, and how to best use mushroom field guides.

This class is free and open to the public.

Interested in hosting a presentation on Mushroom eating, growing, hunting, or science?

I've been fortunate to give presentations to thousands of people over the last few years.

Contact me if interested in arranging a presentation for a club, group, school, or business.

Email: [email protected]