Cooking with Fungus!
Hey, guess what? We just created this page and while we hope to add tons of content soon
we've got to start somewhere, please find links to some of our favorite recipes below!
Oyster musrhoom po' boy
Sometimes when giant "extra" oyster mushrooms grow from our spent mushroom substrate, I grab a few and make these vegetarian po' boys. Our Michigan oyster mushrooms are especially good for this, Sliced it into thick slabs, battered it, dipped in panko, fried in coconut or grapeseed oil, served on a French roll with remoulade, lettuce, tomato, and we like the addition of thinly sliced carrots marinated in red wine vinegar for at least 20 minutes prior to serving for additional brightness and complexity.
An extremely satisfying substitute for mild fish or chicken depending on how you tweak the sauce and seasonings.
Example recipe here: