Wild Mushroom Identification Class (copy)

Registrations are closed

Learn to Identify Wild Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms!

-This 2.5 hour course will supply you with basic tools, resources, and terminology to safely identify many wild mushrooms that grow in Michigan.

-  Learn how to visually identify and accurately describe many of the easily identifiable edible and medicinal mushrooms that grow in Midwest.

- We will briefly discuss the habitat, season, and associated tree and pants species for each mushrooms species discussed.

 There will be time for Q&A, please bring any and all mushroom questions, we'd be happy to answer.

- Learn from a Michigan state certified Wild Mushroom Expert with years of hands on experience handling wild mushrooms.

 - Receive a 20% - 25% discount on any mushrooms, grow kits, or other merchandise purchased the day of the class

- Presentation from class available for attendee download

- Additional websites, books, and other resources provided.

Date & Time
March 10, 2024
1:00 PM 3:30 PM America/Detroit

Mycophile's Garden

1111 Godfrey Ave SW
North Building, Loading Dock #2, Suite N234
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Mycophile's Garden


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