Cultivation Course: In The Laboratory
Advanced Mushroom Cultivation
Go Beyond the Basics!
- Move beyond mushroom grow kits, logs, and outdoor beds!
- Grow mushrooms consistently, all year-long!
Join Chris for a 6-hour crash course
focused on methods used by commercial operations for producing
consistent quality and yields.
Hands-on participation in our clean room laboratory gives participants a chance to see and practice some of the finer points of fungal cultivation in a professional scale mushroom facility.
Let's Get Practical
The class will be broken up into several smaller lessons and will cover topics of mushroom terminology, anatomy, and life cycles. Followed by a step-by-step walk through the basics of our commercial cultivation environment and processes with both laboratory and fruiting room construction and operations.
Mushroom School!
Each lesson will be tied together by a detailed slideshow, made available to each participant following the class, as well as 3 laboratory lessons covering the 3 of the most essential skills in the clean room.
We will pause around 5 pm for a light, vegetarian dinner featuring 2 of our favorite simple, mushroom based dishes and some Q&A.